Jumat, 15 April 2011 | By: Michelle Francisca Winoto

Love Your Mother!!

Some of us teenagers might not be able to appreciate our mothers, the ones who raised us since we were a baby. But, after reading this story I hoped you'll be inspired.

Mother’s Love In Silence
I hate my mom. She only had an eye. She’s embarrassing me. She worked in my school for our needs. That day she came to my class and greet me. I’m very embarrassed. So, I ran away. The next day, all my friends teased me. When I went home, I shouted to her, “If you only want me to be teased, why don’t you just die”! That time, I’m really mad at her.
I ran away from home and don’t communicate with her at all. I studied really hard and received a scholarship to study in a Singapore university. I got married,have kids and live a happy life. Until one day, my mom came to Singapore to see me. My kids were very afraid when they see her. I shouted, “What are you doing here? You only scare the kids”! She’s very shocked and say, “Forgive me, maybe I got to the wrong address”.
The next year, one of my relatives told me that my mom's dead, and he sent me a letter from her. The letter's quite like this;
Dear Joe,
I'm sorry about what happened last year. I'm sorry that I have scared your kids. I wanted you to know that when you're a kid, you had an accident and lost an eye. I didn't want you to suffer, so I gave you one of my eye. I wanted you to know that I really loved you.
When I read it, tears started to fall on my cheeks. I wanted to apologize to her, but it was too late. What I could do now is to appreciate and love all the ones I knew for her sake.

So, what do you think? Our mom really loved us, and because of that, I really wanted you all to love her as much as she loved you.
Sabtu, 09 April 2011 | By: Michelle Francisca Winoto

Energy ; It's Time to Get REAL!!!!


It’s basically a crisis on crude oil. News always said that the supply of crude oil is going downhill, while the demand is going uphill! What? Then how can we use crude oil in the future? Think of it!
Some of the people would just say “I don’t care” or “Whatever” But take a look at this, before you said anything further.

Cool huh? So when we’re dead (maybe) the crude’s gonna be gone!! No more oils. That’s just a prediction. What if it’s actually much more dangerous? No one have ever really think of it! I had been doing a small research with Beatrice about it. Who is she? Yeah, I totally forgot you didn’t know her. She’s my best friend. We looked for some answers to this problem, and we actually find some answers!! We called this research as “Energy;It’s Time To Get Real!!!!”. Scientists all over the world, including here in Indonesia had found some new energies, which seemed quite interesting.

Here's what you can do :
So, the conclusion is:
1. Turn off all electrical appliances when not in use
3. Ride bicycles or just walk to near places

and one more thing, remember that the future itself lies in our hands.....

Quotes Of The Day

"Winners Never Quit! Quitters Never Win!!"
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase"
"A person who had never made a mistake had never tried something new"
Jumat, 08 April 2011 | By: Michelle Francisca Winoto

Follow Your Dreams!

People first thought of dreams as what we did when sleeping. In movies, dreams in sleeps DO COME TRUE!
But actually, there is another meaning behind dream itself. It could actually mean what we really hoped to do, or achieve. But, the dream itself didn't just follow us, we need to go for it. If we only have faith in our dreams, than the faith itself is dead! Faith must be accompanied with action, this way our dreams could be achieved. But it's not that easy!
When we wanted to achieve our dreams, there will be many adversities that we need to face, and also many choices we need to make. They are not easy, and they could lead us to giving up. But still, if we wanted to achieve our dreams, we need to endure those troubles and follow our dreams.
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.”
Martin Luther King
That famous quote thought me that even in the darkest point of life, where there is not even a light guiding us, when we followed our dreams, we could still achieve it.
And remember, "Winners never quit! Quitters never win...."
Minggu, 03 April 2011 | By: Michelle Francisca Winoto


HEY!!!!!!!! I got something intersting here, check it out!
When I mentioned the word skywalk, you guys are going to say something like “What’s up with that?” or “How could you walk the sky?” That’s what I first thought of. Are we supposed to ride a helicopter or hot air balloon and then fly using a parachute? That’s like CRAZY! But it’s really cool!! Skywalking? Maybe like flying? But all my thoughts are completely WRONG!! (No lucky guesses huh? ‘Coz this is one answer I could never think of). Obviously, everyone knows what the Grand Canyon is. It’s like a big canyon a few kilometers from Las Vegas. The “Skywalk” experience was like a big glass bridge (Don’t think of that glass used to make your window. Think of a giant, thick and super cool glass that could weigh a full loaded airplane). The glass bridge lies across the canyon, and as it is see-through we could see EVERYTHING from there.

Dude it was like flying!!!!! That was cool!
Check out this picture!
So, I guess that's all for now.. BYE!!

Friendship – Who's a Best Friend???

Hey!  Wonder who’s a real best friend? Check this out!
I’m uploading this as a request from eveline........ Who is she? She’s a best friend of mine, and I could really call her a best friend. Wanna know a little more about friendship? Read this post!!
Your best friend should be somebody that you can trust one hundred percent. You should be able to confide in them knowing that they will not spread your news to other people. How many times have told a friend a piece of personal information and have then asked them not to tell anybody else about it? The sheer fact that you had to ask them not to tell other people should tell you that they are not best friend material.
All of us have stages of our life when we really need a friend. We may be in trouble, we may have done a terrible deed, what we require in this situation is somebody to support us, listen to our problems, offer advice, possibly a room to spend the night but most of all not to judge us. We all make mistakes; after all we are all human. A best friend will offer all of these things, without hesitation.
We all need somebody to be able to phone from time to time, just for a chat, somebody who will make us laugh and ultimately happy. We all need to have the odd night out, perhaps at the cinema, perhaps to go for a drink or perhaps to go to the theatre. A best friend will be the person to call and will make time for us in these situations.
A best friend will not stab you in the back by attempting to steal your boy/girlfriend, they will not spread rumours about you, you should be able to trust them with your life.
Does your best friend have the qualities mentioned above? If the answer is no, this does not mean that you need to dump this person totally, it merely means that you should not be regarding them as a best friend.
PS : Don’t just laugh because of the 2nd last paragraph of this post about stealing boyfriend and girlfriend, as that’s just an addition.
But anyway, hope it’s useful! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011 | By: Michelle Francisca Winoto

My Portfolio

At first, I thought the middle school level is gonna be quite challenging for me, and especially because of the new subjects and also because I had to try to set a good example for my friends, as I received the scholarship, and I should show them that I deserved to get it, and also maybe because the policies that are more strict than the ones in grade school.
          I tried to do the best during this school year, not only because I wanted to get good scores, but I also set some goals that I really wanted to achieve this school year, like not breaking a single school rule, and also to get great scores. To achieve this goals, I tried to follow every school and also do every homeworks there are and submit it on time. I also studied for the test really well so that I could get good scores. I am proud with my semester reports, because I don’t see any bad scores on my report, and I even improved in some of the subjects, which made me felt that I had achieved my goals for the semester, and I also felt that I should be able to do better. All of my scores are above 80 points and I felt proud of it. The subject that I felt most proud of is Reacter. Last year, I don’t really get the whole subject, and because of that I always got quite bad scores. But this year, I tried even harder than before, and my hard work had given me benefits. For the first time in my life, I got above 90 points for Reacter.
          I also tried to set a good example for my friends in class. I always do all my tasks and submit them on time, I never missed any of them. I also tried to do my best in every subject in school, even though the ones that I considered quite boring, which I sometimes felt very difficult. Even though I don’t really like them, I still tried hard to achieve the best. I always thought that if I actually believed in myself, I could actually do it. So I studied hard, and even harder when the tests came, so that I could actually get a good score. After the PTC, I felt that I’ve achieved my goal for this year.
          The last two years, I’ve achieved one of the biggest goals that I ever had in my life. That time, I wanted to be the youngest completer of the Kumon English method in Indonesia. I tried really hard that time, and I actually did it. Then, I made one more goal, which is to finish Kumon Math in three years. At first, I thought that three years was not enough. But I tried my best to finish it in three years. But in fact, I finished it in two years. I was quite surprised because I could actually finish it earlier than I expected. Many of my friends asked me how am I able to do that, and I just answered it honestly. Since I was young, I always set some goals that I wanted to achieve in the beginning of the year. Then I would always try my best to achieve those, and in the end I actually could do it.
Last year, I worked on my own “dynamo torch” and I couldn’t figure out some ways to finish it. My last “invention” was the rain detector. My aim was only to find something to help prevent the global warming, and suddenly this idea came out in my mind. It is quite complicated, and I had to find the correct materials to turn on the light. I couldn’t do it on first, second or even third try. But I still did many research on it and tried to finish my experiment. So I found my brother’s old toy car and took out the dynamo inside. I tried using it and it actually works. I quite have no clue when I first tried to do it, but I still tried my best. My goal that time is to be able to finish it within a year, which is supposed to be this year. Every time I had a spare time, I would actually worked on it so that I could finish it earlier, and I’m actually able to finish it last year.
During the last two year, I’ve won my first writing competition, which was held in school during the “Bulan Bahasa”. I’ve enjoyed writing since I started to write short stories when I was in the first grade. But, at first I just do this for fun, and it is nothing serious. But after I won that competition, I started to realize that I should make a goal to finish my best story this year. Whenever I had a spare time, I also write it. Sometimes I felt too lazy to do it. But then I always remembered that I had to achieve my goal because I really want it so badly, and then do it. I had no intention of publishing it, but who knows someday I would, because sometimes I really wish I could have my own book.
For this year, I really wanted to be able to still receive the scholarship so that I could actually make my school fees cheaper for my parents to pay. Besides that, I actually wanted it so that I could be more determined to achieve more when I actually did it. I also wanted to continue on my last goals for the next school year, which is to be able to get even better scores and to follow all the school rules. Moreover, for this year I wanted to finish my other stories, so that I could actually accomplish my dream someday, which is to have my own book. I also wished that I could join some more competitions, so that I would have more experience and so that I’m able to learn new things, and also learn from all my failures. Hopefully I could achieve them.